مقالات الصف الرابع ا


click on the link

29-01-2021 15:51

a an some word wall

click on the link

28-01-2021 18:13

magic e

click on the link

28-01-2021 18:08

ch / sh / th

click on the link and start playing

18-01-2021 23:00

There is \ There are exercises

click on both links

15-01-2021 17:01

days of the week word wall

click on the link

15-01-2021 16:50

school objects activities

click on both links

15-01-2021 16:30

Audio stories and fairy tales

click on the link

15-01-2021 16:24

family members activity

click on the link

15-01-2021 16:09

colors activty-find and match

click on the link

15-01-2021 14:41

adjectives word wall activity

click on the link

15-01-2021 14:35

wordwall activty فعالية حديقة الحيوان

click on the link and start اضغط عالرابط

15-01-2021 14:09

numbers word wall activity فعالية الارقام

click on the link and start the activity

15-01-2021 13:51

foods and drinks

here you bave a worksheet اختر 15 نوع و اكتب الكلمات عالاسطر

14-01-2021 22:28

body parts

draw the man on your note book and match each word to its part

14-01-2021 22:19

الجهات Prepositions


27-09-2020 17:06

Actions in the house

action verbs : ماذا نفعل في البيت ؟ امامكم بعضا من الافعال التي نقوم ب...

24-09-2020 22:23

Letter Qq

vocabulary : queen ملكة ..سكوت quiet ..صوت البطة quack

24-09-2020 21:52

Days of the week ايام الاسبوع


24-09-2020 21:33

letter Kk

learn its pronunciation and its vocabulary king ملك ..kite طائرة ورقية باقي الكلمات يت...

24-09-2020 21:05

letter Vv

learn the new letter with its pronuciations and vocabulary. video شريط مسجل .. vet طبيب بيطري...v...

24-09-2020 21:00
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