Adjectives الصفات

تاريخ: 24-09-2020
كاتب : דועא אגבאריה

Adjectives الصفات





Adjectives are words that describe nouns. Adjectives make nouns more interesting.


A bird         ->   A big red beautiful bird

My car        ->   My old, dirty car

This story   ->   This story is short and funny.



I am  (I’m

Big كبير

Small صغير

Short  قصير

Tall طويل

Fun ممتع

Boring  ممل

Clean  نظيف

Dirty  متسخ


Easy سهل

Hard صعب

Old قديم \عجوز

Young شاب

Nice جميل \ لطيف

Mean لئيم\شرير

Fast سريع

Slow بطئ

He is  (He’s

he is  (She’s

It is  (It’s

They are  (They’re

You are (You’re

We are  (We’re




Circle the adjectives in these sentences, and draw an arrow to the noun that they describe.


ضع دائرة حول الصفة                                                 

1. This car is new.



2. She is a funny girl.



3. John is tall, but Jane is short.



4. The new car is very clean.



5. The fast rabbit played with the slow turtle.



6. Playing baseball is very fun!





7. Your book is too dirty! It is not clean!


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